Stop al sedentarismo: montaña bodycombat y zumba
Seguimos en la lucha contra el sedentarismo. El pasado martes 21 nuestro alumnado de 3º C y 1º BC participó en una saludable actividad al aire libre en la montaña, seguida de un divertido entrenamiento de «bodycombat» y «zumba» en el gimnasio Synergym.
Con motivo de fomentar el inglés aplicado a un contexto real, el alumnado de 3º C trabajó la redacción de un texto descriptivo de este evento. En esta ocasión publicamos la crónica de Pablo Novo Romero, al que agradecemos que comparta su experiencia con nosotros.
Last Tuesday we went on a trip to the mountain and the gym.
My class, 3ºC, went to the mountain to do exercise with 1ºBC. We left the high school at 11.00 a.m. and we started walking. When we were out of the city, we did hiking through some hills and did some relaxing exercises when we reached our destination: the top of one of the hills. The sights were fantastic! You could see all the city from there and when we finished our exercises our P.E. teacher asked us some questions about the sights. Then, we went down through the mountain carefully and we went into the city again. I felt so tired, but it was funny to see how my classmates went down through the steep hills. We started going to the gym and when we arrived, all the people wanted to drink water; I had never seen something like that before. We entered into a room and then we did Bodycombat and Zumba. It was so exciting and I had to left the room to drink water twice. I had never been so heavily tired! I did it as well as I could but it was so difficult to follow the instructor.
It was such a funny day, but I couldn’t move after that. I was really exhausted.